Re: [PARPORT] BETA test, new ppSCSI drivers

Bernd Schroeder (
Sun, 20 Jun 1999 15:38:35 +0200 (MEST)

> I have tried the 0.7 version of the microtek2 backend:
> it seems to work the same, except that scanning in
> color mode each scanline is divided in three, one
> for each color channel, and is in grayscale:
> before the pixel color components received
> were like:
> now

According to the scanner attributes it should be similar to


where each letter represents one line of the respective color.

It is strange that the 0.7 version behaves different, because I
didn't change anything with regards to the data processing.

If you enable debugging with SANE_DEBUG_MICROTEK2=40 you
should see that a function segreg_proc_data() is called, that
processes the data.

> (the order of the color components is bogus,
> if it is relevant I can try to figure it out)

I have a scanner that uses the same data format, so I can try it
myself first. If neccessary I will get back to you.


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